Luis Sepulveda, Blažka Müller

May 15 at 5.00 pm
Venue: Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana
Duration: 45 minutes

Matjaž Pograjc, having directed Winnie the Pooh and Peter Rabbit, has already staged several fairytales with animals as characters. In this performance, the main character is the cat Zorba, a big fat harbour cat who finds himself in the situation of hatching a seagull egg and becoming ….a mama! How can you teach a bird to fly when you’re a cat? The imaginative setting of the port and the slang speech of the cat and his companions give the show a special flair.

Ljubljana Puppet Theatre was founded in 1948, after the Second World War. The theatre continued the puppeteering tradition that had started to blossom in Slovenia during the 1920s. The theatre has maintained this basic direction through the decades that followed, producing performances for children, steering from classical to contemporary texts and then back again. Roughly half of the theatre’s productions are of Slovenian works, while the other half draws from international stories and the treasure trove of fairytales.

Director: Matjaž Pograjc
Actors: Brane Vižintin, Maja Kunšič, Lea Menard, Gašper Malnar, Iztok Lužar, Alenka Pirjevec
Visual images: Barbara Stupica, Tomaž Štrucl
Music: Silence - Primož Hladnik, Boris Benko
Language editor: Tatjana Stanič
Lights: Miran Udovič
Production: Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana




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